The best way to ensure a great college experience is to be financially prepared. It's important to start planning early, know how much you need to save and understand your savings goals and financing options. That's why we're inviting families with students from grades 9–12 to The Road to College Event — featuring Dr. Pamela Ellis, MBA, PhD, also known as The Education Doctor®. Register now and join us on Saturday, September 7th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Wright-Patt Credit Union (WPCU) Corporate Headquarters, 3560 Pentagon Blvd. in Beavercreek.
Dr. Ellis, author of What to Know Before They Go, has helped hundreds of families find and be admitted to the best-fit college, while helping them save time and money! She graduated from Stanford University and the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, and she earned a doctorate from the Stanford University School of Education. As CEO of Compass Education Strategies and a leader of operations at Compass College Advisory, her experience with the education system includes advising school districts, community organizations and institutes of higher education. She has visited more than four hundred colleges and universities internationally to gain insight into their varying cultures and to explore the range of academic and social opportunities available to students on campus. Her research areas include high school to college transition, parent engagement, African-American males in education and college completion.
Dr. Ellis will be joined by partners from Sinclair Community College's Student Enrichment Programs Department, Credit Union Student Choice and representatives from WPCU's retirement and long-term planning department to facilitate breakout sessions.
Topics of discussion will include:
The Road to College Event Saturday, September 7th, 2019 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Register now
WPCU is here to help!
How are you preparing your finances for college life? Are you looking for a little extra guidance? WPCU is here for getting to, through and beyond college the smart way! From smart spending and saving for college-related expenses, to filling the tuition gaps that financial aid may leave behind, WPCU is pleased to offer student solutions to help. Our solutions include:
To learn more about our student loan products and how they can help you pay for school, visit