Having a good understanding of money management helps throughout every stage of life. However, personal financial education isn't always something we learn in school, leaving many of us to figure it out on our own. What if there was a better way?
At Wright-Patt Credit Union® (WPCU®), we're proud to offer free financial learning opportunities covering helpful topics ranging from budgeting to understanding credit, buying a home, paying for college, planning for the future and much more. We even offer a variety of in-person seminars and virtual webinars to work with your schedule.
No matter where you are on your Financial Flexibility and Freedom® journey, financial education can help you take control of your money so you can live the life you want to live!
Here are three great reasons to attend free financial education classes at WPCU:
Get Started — Register for Financial Learning at WPCU!
As your caring financial partner, WPCU is here to help you understand better ways to save, spend, borrow and plan for your future with free financial learning opportunities. Check out our calendar to see our upcoming events and register for the topics that interest you!
You can also visit our online Education Center for even more financial resources, including financial worksheets, financial calculators, videos, interactive learning modules and more.