About 1 in 8 US women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of their lifetime. With about 85% of breast cancers occurring in women who have no family history of breast cancer, it can catch you by surprise and turn your whole world upside-down.
Pink Ribbon Girls (PRG) wants to make sure no one travels that road alone. Created by women with breast cancer to support and empower women fighting breast and gynecological cancers, PRG helps provide healthy meals, housecleaning, transportation and peer support services.
Wright-Patt Credit Union has partnered with PRG to support women fighting back against cancer. Our Columbus partner-employees will be working with PRG to help raise funds, build awareness and provide financial education opportunities.
To learn more about Pink Ribbon Girls and supporting women with breast cancer and gynecological cancers, please visit: www.pinkribbongirls.org.